Credit Score

Improving Your Credit Score
Educational Resources / Credit Score

Can identity theft ruin your credit score
By Mike Nittoli 06 Jun, 2023
Learn how fraudulent activities can affect your financial health and discover effective steps to mitigate the damage and protect your credit in the future.
Top 3 Reasons Why Bad Credit Loan Apps Get Denied
By Mike Nittoli 13 Aug, 2021
If you are searching for a bad credit loan, then you will want to learn the top 3 reasons why bad credit loan applications often get denied.
How To Raise Your Credit Score 100 Points Overnight
By Anthony Zoblescin 13 Nov, 2019
After being declined for a loan because of a low credit score, you maybe searching for creative ways to raise your credit score 100 points overnight.
How To Build Your Credit After Debt Settlement
By Anthony Zoblescin 11 Oct, 2019
After debt settlement, you can focus on repairing your credit score in as little as twenty-four months by following the following steps in this article.
How Does Debt Consolidation Affect Your Credit Score
By Anthony Zoblescin 04 Oct, 2018
What is Debt Consolidation? Debt consolidation combines most of your debts into one loan with a lower interest rate.
How To Improve Your Credit Score In 30 Days
By Anthony Zoblescin 25 Jun, 2018
Your credit potential lives and dies by your FICO rating. You’ve probably heard that term but may not know what it means to you and your credit.
Image showing a credit score gauge indicating progress, representing the impact of effective financial habits and practices on improving and maintaining a healthy credit score.

Improving your Credit Score Tips

Improving a credit score involves a series of financial practices and habits aimed at building a positive credit history. Key steps include paying bills on time, as payment history is a significant factor in credit scoring.

It's important to avoid opening too many new credit accounts in a short period, as this can lower the average age of credit accounts. Regularly checking credit reports for errors and disputing any inaccuracies is crucial, as errors can negatively affect scores.

Additionally, using a mix of credit types responsibly and paying off outstanding debts can gradually improve a credit score. This process requires patience and discipline, as credit scores reflect credit behavior over time, not instant changes. read more

An upward-pointing arrow showing the growth of a credit score, strategies to achieve over 100 points
By Jason Guadayo 25 Sep, 2023
Learn proven strategies to improve your credit score by 100 points or more within a year.
How Prepaid Credit Cards Can Boost Your Credit Score
By Mike Nittoli 15 Feb, 2023
Discover how prepaid credit cards elevate your credit score by expanding your limit and demonstrating responsible payment habits. Find out more!
How Much Your Credit Score Increases After Paying Off Credit Cards
By Mike Nittoli 07 Oct, 2021
There are plenty of myths out there about how paying off debt will affect your credit score, but we're going to tell you the truth in this article.

Understanding Your Credit Score

FICO score and credit score facing off, focus on explaining differences between the two scores
By Jason Guadayo 12 Sep, 2023
Learn how FICO and VantageScores differ, why your credit scores can vary between bureaus, and best practices for monitoring your credit health and scores.
What Credit Score Is Needed To Buy A Car
By Mike Nittoli 07 Jul, 2021
Learn the average credit score needed to buy a car and its implications. Prepare for car ownership by understanding credit score essentials now.
The 8 Best Apps For Monitoring Your Credit Score
By Anthony Zoblescin 13 Oct, 2020
Tracking your credit report is simple enough. You are guaranteed one free credit report from each major credit agency each year but there is more too it.
Image showing a credit score meter, highlighting the importance and impact of credit scores in personal financial management.

Factors that Affect Your Credit Score

Understanding a credit score means knowing how it's calculated and what it says about your financial health. It's a number based on your credit report from credit bureaus, reflecting your ability to pay back debts.

The score is influenced by factors like your payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, and the mix of credit types you use. Regularly paying debts and keeping a low balance on credit lines positively affect your score.

This knowledge is essential for financial management, as a good credit score is crucial for obtaining loans and other financial products. read more

How Often Does Your Credit Score Update
By Mike Nittoli 10 Mar, 2023
Explore how often your credit score updates and why it's crucial. Learn about factors influencing updates and tips for monitoring your credit score.
Is Credit Score The Same as Credit Worthiness Article
By Mike Nittoli 24 Jan, 2022
Wondering if your credit score is the same as your creditworthiness? Get the answer and learn more about how to improve your credit rating.
The 5 Main Credit Score Factors You Need To Know
By Anthony Zoblescin 23 Nov, 2020
Your credit score and credit report can open doors or slam them shut when you are looking for loans, mortgages, apartments, or even jobs.

Credit Score Challenges

A city skyline with a credit score on it, emphasizing the idea of will debt would ruin my credit.
By Jason Guadayo 06 Feb, 2024
Discover how debt relief affects credit scores and explore recovery strategies in this comprehensive guide.
Does Checking FICO Score Hurt Credit?
By Jason Guadayo 10 Nov, 2023
Is checking your FICO score damaging? Regular credit score checks help catch errors, boost score, and save money.
How To Rent An Apartment With Bad Credit
By Anthony Zoblescin 07 Feb, 2020
Before you start searching for an apartment to rent, take a look at your credit report. If your score is less than 620, you may have trouble renting a place.
Learn Why Your Equifax Credit Score Is Lower Than TransUnion – FICO Score
By Anthony Zoblescin 06 Mar, 2019
Learn why your Equifax credit score is lower than TransUnion and what you can do about it. Find out which factors are affecting your credit score.
By Anthony Zoblescin 25 May, 2018
How to buy a house with bad credit is one question we hear from our readers often. You may have been told that buying a house with bad credit is impossible.
Image depicting the concept of Credit Score Recovery, showing a graph or meter indicating an upward trend in credit score, symbolizing the journey of overcoming financial challenges and improving credit health.

Credit Score Drop and How to Recover

Credit Score Challenges encompasses the various difficulties individuals face in maintaining or improving their credit scores. These challenges often include overcoming past financial mistakes, such as late payments or defaults, which can significantly lower credit scores.

 High levels of debt, especially credit card debt, and high credit utilization ratios are other common hurdles. For some, a lack of credit history or the presence of errors on credit reports can also pose challenges. These challenges can have far-reaching implications, affecting loan eligibility, interest rates, and even job prospects.

Addressing these issues typically involves disciplined financial management, such as timely bill payments, debt reduction, and regular credit report checks to ensure accuracy. read more

How to Get a Loan With Bad Credit
By Mike Nittoli 29 Jan, 2021
There are loan options for people with bad credit scores - some are terrible while others can help you build a decent credit rating over time.
Can You Be Denied A Job Because Of Bad Credit?
By Anthony Zoblescin 30 Jan, 2020
Did you know that having a poor credit score can affect your chances of getting a job? You can be denied a job because of bad credit.
How To Get Debt Consolidation Loans For Bad Credit Scores
By Anthony Zoblescin 04 Oct, 2019
If you have bad credit, debt consolidation loans can be expensive and difficult to get. Lenders usually charge unreal interest rates and fees.

Credit Score Management and Reports

The Best Way to Use a Credit Card Responsibly
By Mike Nittoli 11 Nov, 2022
Learn the best way to use credit cards responsibly in order to keep your finances on track and maintain good credit.
Does Refinancing Hurt Your Credit Score Article Image?
By Mike Nittoli 03 Aug, 2021
People can save money when they refinance their home loans because the rates and terms of a new loan are better than those from an original fixed rate.
How Long Does Debt Settlement Stay on Your Credit Report
By Mike Nittoli 22 Apr, 2021
One of the negatives is that the debt settlement is reported to credit reporting agencies and will negatively affect your credit score.
Why Did My Credit Score Drop
By Mike Nittoli 31 Mar, 2021
If you have noticed an unexpected drop in your credit score, there are a number of reasons that may cause your rating to change.
A futuristic office scene showcasing smart credit management with holographic displays of financial data, set against a cityscape background symbolizing economic growth.

Monitor Your Credit Score

Credit Management and Reports focus on maintaining and understanding one's credit health. Key practices include timely payments, low credit utilization, and wise credit decisions to positively impact credit scores.

Credit reports, detailing credit history and debts, are essential for monitoring financial standing and identifying errors or fraud. Regular review of these reports is crucial for maintaining a good credit score. Understanding factors like credit mix, history length, and new inquiries is also important.

Effective credit management enhances overall financial health and improves access to favorable loan terms and financial opportunities. read more

How Long Do Inquiries Stay On Your Credit Report
By Mike Nittoli 23 Sep, 2021
If there are too many new credit inquiries, it can hurt your credit score and result in an increased interest rate or no approval at all.
How Long To Keep Credit Card Statements
By Anthony Zoblescin 05 Nov, 2019
It seems like credit card statements keep coming in, whether electronically or in the mail. Find out exactly how long to keep your credit card statements.
Why You Need To Check Your Credit Report Regularly
By Anthony Zoblescin 02 Jul, 2015
Discover the importance of monitoring your credit report regularly. Learn how good credit impacts loans and other aspects of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a Credit Score?

    A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. It's based on your credit history and ranges from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better credit health.

  • How is a Credit Score Calculated?

    Credit scores are calculated using information from your credit reports, including payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit used.

  • Why is a Good Credit Score Important?

    A good credit score is crucial because it affects your ability to borrow money or access products like credit cards. It can also influence the interest rates you're offered, insurance premiums, and even your job prospects.

  • What Factors Negatively Affect a Credit Score?

    Late payments, high credit card balances, defaults, bankruptcy, and frequent credit applications can negatively impact your credit score.

  • How Can I Improve My Credit Score?

    To improve your credit score, pay your bills on time, reduce your debt levels, avoid opening new credit accounts frequently, and regularly check your credit report for errors.

  • How Often Does My Credit Score Change?

    Your credit score can change whenever new information is added to your credit report. This can happen frequently, depending on your financial activities.

  • Can I Check My Credit Score Without Hurting It?

    Yes, checking your own credit score is considered a soft inquiry and does not affect your score. It's important to regularly review your credit score to understand your financial standing.

  • How Long Does Negative Information Stay on My Credit Report?

    Most negative information, like late payments or defaults, stays on your credit report for up to seven years. Bankruptcies can remain for up to 10 years.

  • What is the Difference Between a Credit Score and a Credit Report?

    A credit score is a numerical summary of your creditworthiness, while a credit report is a detailed record of your credit history, including your credit accounts, payment history, and outstanding debts.

  • Is a Higher Credit Score Always Better?

    Generally, a higher credit score is better as it indicates lower risk to lenders. However, extremely high scores don’t offer significant benefits over good scores in the upper 600s or 700s.

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